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Livestreaming presentations and events is a great way to expand your audience. Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management's live event production team can also edit your recordings for online archival. Livestreaming Zoom meetings and webinars is a useful way to host an event with multiple remote speakers. The Brand team can help with that, too.


Livestreaming services

Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management offers livestreaming services for units looking to stream their events. Our team can stream the event to any social media platform or ASU Live, the official university channel for livestreams. 

Learn more and get a quote


Virtual events livestreaming

Livestreaming from Zoom

There are benefits to livestreaming virtual events, too. There are limits to the number of participants you can have in a Zoom meeting or webinar that vary by license agreement. If your event is too large to accommodate everyone with a Zoom meeting, livestreaming it to social media platforms, an ASU Live channel, or both can expand your potential audience.

Request a Zoom webinar license


Zoom meeting vs. Zoom webinar

You’ll first want to determine if you want to hold a Zoom meeting or a Zoom webinar. Each has its own advantages. Do you want an interactive session with the audience or would you prefer that the event be similar to a virtual lecture hall with one or more speakers addressing your audience? This meeting and webinar comparison from Zoom can help you make your decision: Meeting and webinar comparison – Zoom Help Center

Access ASU Zoom backgrounds


Choosing your platform

Next, determine which streaming platform you would like to use to reach your audience. If it’s an event that you want your students, colleagues, alumni and other followers to watch, you might stream it to your unit or department’s Facebook or Twitter page, verified YouTube page, or LinkedIn. If you’re holding a public event, you can stream it to ASU Live. However, if you want to reach a select audience, ASU Live can also be password-protected for your events. This can be very useful in managing virtual event admission, webinars, staff or faculty events, or anything that may present sensitive or copyrighted materials. We can provide you with detailed analytics during and after your event. A chat feature that you can manage is also available to you.

Assign a Zoom host and a moderator

Your Zoom meeting will need a host to run the event, switch between different speakers and play prerecorded video from their desktop as needed. You will also want to assign a moderator to follow and respond to comments and questions on any sites streaming the event that have commenting enabled. Questions and relevant comments can be forwarded to, and addressed by, your guest or panel via external programs.

Beware the bots!

Several record labels, music publishers and other companies that own copyrighted content will use bots on social media platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook to take down videos and posts (including livestreams) that use copyrighted material such as music by appealing to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA for short). 

In particular, be sure any music that’s part of your livestream, even background music, is licensed appropriately. Depending on the platform, after three or more strikes your account could be shut down for good, so it is imperative that you protect the existence of your account by avoiding using music or other materials that you do not have the rights to use. For more information, see Music for video and Music for live events, or reach out to ASU’s Office of General Counsel.

Streaming Zoom to YouTube

There are two ways that you can stream your Zoom meeting or webinar to a verified YouTube account.

  • Stream directly to your unit or department’s YouTube account. This is a quick and simple way to link Zoom to your account. You can stream your Zoom event in just a few easy steps.
  • Stream to a YouTube event that you’ve created in your YouTube Studio. The setup is more involved, but allows you to create and schedule an event ahead of time. Create the stream as unlisted or public, and you will get a unique URL that can be sent out in your announcements. For more information on YouTube best practices, see YouTube publishing.

This page at the Zoom Help Center explains the processes in detail: Streaming a Meeting or Webinar on YouTube Live

Streaming Zoom to Facebook

This article will lead you through the process of streaming Zoom events to your Facebook account: Streaming a meeting or webinar on Facebook Live – Zoom Help Center

Streaming Zoom to ASU Live

ASU Live channels can also be used for your livestream. These are available with or without password protection for your event. You can select any password, so it can be tailored for your event. After the event concludes, your video can appear on the ASU Live “Video” section for viewing. Read more about streaming to ASU Live here: Livestreaming Meetings or Webinars Using a Custom Service

Audio production services

If you need audio support for your event, we can run your existing audio system or bring in a kit with microphones, an audio mixer and speakers.

Zoom accessibility

See ASU’s guidelines for creating accessible Zoom events.