Brand Execution Guidelines banner image

Brand execution guidelines

Presentations standards and guidelines

Collaborative tools make giving clear, compelling and brand-aligned presentations quicker and easier than ever before. They are great for communicators, faculty and staff in the ASU ecosystem who represent the brand.

The power of collaboration and real-time coediting

Google Slides makes it easy to collaborate in real time with anyone in the ASU ecosystem. Tagging, coediting and sharing with creative teams means that presentations can come together faster and in a more holistic way.

Co Editing example

Automatic saving and versions

No need to remember — were we on version three or version four? The live version is always the latest, but the previous work is not lost. If the team later realizes there is an asset that needs to be reintroduced, any member with editing access can go back into the version to copy the content and paste it back into the latest version.

Image of version history

Tools, training and resources for presentations

16:9 ratio templates

We recommend that you use the 16:9 ratio — the ratio of most modern monitors, laptops and television screens. Requires email address to access.

Access Google Slides format


Download PowerPoint format


Access ASU Zoom backgrounds

Please go to File> Make a copy to create and collaborate on your presentations in your Google Drive.

In your ASU Google Drive account

The template may also be accessed by going to your Google Drive home screen and following these steps:


  1. Create new file

    New presentation

  2. Choose Google Slides, from template

    new presentation

  3. Select the current official presentation template

    Template gallery

Gallery example