ASU has many types of relationships with outside collaborators, including other universities, businesses, nonprofits, research partners, government entities, community groups and more. Each of these relationships is unique and not equal in size and scope. Just as we take special care with the ASU brand and logo presentation, we adopt a similar approach to the visual representation of our valued partners and affiliates. Use of partner logos by ASU and the use of an ASU logo by a partner should be reflected in a contractual agreement.
University partnership logos
Partnerships with the university take on many forms. For the highest-profile partnerships approved at an institutional level, a wordmark is established by Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management. Below are examples of endorsed partnership wordmarks.
In the standard institutional partner lockup, the two brands are divided by a simple vertical line. The partner logo is always placed to the left, so it is read first.
Download university partnership logos
For partnerships and affiliations with organizations at a non-institutional level
To indicate a visible relationship between ASU and another institution, where contractually allowed, the logos of the two institutions should be placed next to each other on the same line. There should be an area of isolation around each logo, with the partner logo featured to the left of the ASU logo.
For partnerships and affiliations that differ from those shown above
Contact the brand strategy and management team to obtain approval and discuss the most appropriate way to brand your partnership or affiliation.
Powered by Arizona State University® wordmark
The Powered by descriptor has been used to label specific partner relationships with organizations and institutions leveraging ASU tools, curricula, cooperative research and services. Powered by indicates a deep, transformative partnership established at an enterprise level. Development and use of a Powered by Arizona State University designation wordmark requires Chief Brand Officer and Office of the University President approval.
Powered by Arizona State University® may be approved by the Brand Strategy and Management office for partner use in text format. When approved for use, units and partners should use the Powered by ASU lockup appropriately by ensuring that Arizona State University is followed by ® to protect our registered trademark.
Looking to brand your organization with a Powered by Arizona State University wordmark?
Request to use the Powered by wordmark
Powered by an external organization
As we collaborate with outside organizations to help push programs forward, we will encounter opportunities to use a Powered by wordmark.
ASU Smart City Cloud Innovation Center Powered by AWS and the ASU Connected Environments Collaboratory Powered by COX are examples of this relationship. In these instances, it is important that the partner logo be positioned near the ASU unit logo while observing the recommended area of isolation. Chief Brand Officer and University President Approval are required for all university units and partners seeking use of a Powered by wordmark.