The “Powered by” descriptor has been used by several ASU units to label relationships with organizations and institutions leveraging ASU tools, curricula and services. “Powered by” represents the ideal action-oriented terminology that best reflects ASU’s contribution to several agreements.
In the case of a formal relationship that does not rise to the level of “partnership,” the entity can use a “Powered by ASU” lockup.
Have plans to include the “Powered by ASU” lockup in upcoming materials? Review the requirements for use below before submitting a request to use the lockup.
Request use approval
Requirements for use:
Use of “Powered By ASU” by entities/organizations will be authorized only when the following conditions are met:
- The phrase “Powered by ASU” will only be used with universities or governmental entities operating universities (unless otherwise approved by the president). The phrase “Powered by ASU” should not be used by private companies or corporate “partners” under this set of conditions/requirements (e.g., “Cintana powered by ASU” or “Kaplan powered by ASU”).
- Use of “Powered by ASU” cannot be authorized by individual colleges and schools. There is no authorized use of an alternate unit level “Powered by” designation (e.g., “Powered by [insert school name]”).
Use of “Powered By ASU” by entities/organizations outside the U.S. will be authorized only when the following conditions are met:
- Before being presented to the president for approval or disapproval, a university outside the U.S. will be presented to the Office of the University Provost for review and recommendation to the president.
- Universities outside the U.S. using “Powered by ASU” must be nonprofit entities/organizations unless approved by the president.
- Use of “Powered by ASU” by a university outside the U.S. will be made subject to a license agreement which requires that university’s compliance with ASU brand standards.
- Any exclusivity granted for use of the phrase “Powered by ASU” outside the U.S. requires approval of the president.
- Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management will inventory and track all uses of “Powered by ASU” outside the U.S. so that any single proposed use can be mapped and considered in the context of the institutional plan for international use of the phrase.
Use of “Powered By ASU” by entities/organizations located within the U.S. will be authorized only when the following conditions are met:
- Universities within the U.S. using “Powered by ASU” must be nonprofit entities/organizations unless approved by the president.
- Before being presented to the president for approval or disapproval, a university will be presented to the Provost’s Office for review and recommendation to the president.
- Use of “Powered by ASU” by a university will be made subject to a license agreement which requires that university’s compliance with ASU brand standards.
- Any exclusivity granted for use of the phrase “Powered by ASU” requires approval of the president.
- Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management will inventory and track all uses of “Powered by ASU” so that any single proposed use can be mapped and considered in the context of the institutional plan for use of the phrase.
The “Powered by ASU” lockup is not available for download. Approval is required for all university units and partners seeking use of the “Powered by ASU” lockup.
The “Powered by ASU” lockup can be shown in the following formats:
- Full color, when used with partner’s full color logo.
- Black when used with partner’s black version of logo.
- White when used with partner’s white version of logo.

A text only treatment with “Powered by ASU” or “Powered by Arizona State University” may also be used.

The “Powered by ASU” lockup is not intended to be used side by side with the logo of the external organization. The “Powered by ASU” lockup should be visually separated from other organization logos on a page or in a layout.
Sample solution: