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Access and requests

Commercial filming and photography on campus

Every year, people and organizations from around the world film on ASU campuses and within our communities. The guidelines that follow explain how to acquire the appropriate permissions and access to film at ASU. The guidelines also define key timing and costs, where applicable.


Filming on campus

Filming (which includes photo, motion picture, video recording, livestreaming, or written or spoken statements) on any campus requires advance approval by ASU and must comply with the ASU filming policy.

  • Individuals may take photographs, film video on any campus, and record written and spoken statements (“Filming” or “Film”) for personal, noncommercial use without permission from ASU. However, such recordings may not be broadcast or used for commercial purposes. Be aware that private recordings may be prohibited in certain locations or at select events. Please also be aware of any privacy rights of the people you film or record.
Who needs approval for filming?Application requiredApplication not required
I am not affiliated with the university in any way and was not hired by the university, but want to film on campus.

I belong to an organization not affiliated with the university that is hosting an event on campus, and intend to film on campus.

I am an approved vendor hired by an ASU unit to film on campus.

I am an ASU faculty/staff looking to film within my unit using campus employees and staff. 

I am an ASU faculty / staff looking to film in a high traffic area (i.e. student union, library, Mountain American Stadium, etc.).

I am a student looking to film on campus for a class project. 


Must submit Student Filming Form


I am an ASU student looking to film on campus for purposes not related to a class project or school assignment.

I am part of a news organization. 


Please contact ASU Media Relations and Strategic Communications


How to apply for filming approval

Submit your application to film on campus at least 15 business days prior to your requested filming date. ASU requires this amount of time to review and process your request.

Please review the following documents prior to submitting your application to film:

To request to film on campus, please complete and submit your filming and photography request using the button below. Be sure to include all required documents and agreements. Requests must be submitted at least fifteen (15) business days before your requested filming day(s). All application requests and required documentation must be approved by ASU prior to filming at any ASU facility or campus location. A representative from ASU will reach out to you within two (2) to three (3) business days regarding approvals and next steps. 

Submit a filming and photography request

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email