For ASU brand integrity, units must order business cards, letterhead, notecards, envelopes and other ASU stationery through the ASU Print and Imaging Lab’s online ordering system. This is in accordance with ASU’s Purchasing and Business Services Policy 213.

Brand execution guidelines
Business cards, stationery and name tags
ASU stationery
ASU's stationery design is based on a left-aligned logo and information block, reinforcing the alignment and readability of the unit logo system. These systems are designed to accommodate the varying lengths of university workers' titles, name addresses and department names. Departments that use a unit logo may include it on all stationery pieces, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, notepads and notecards. Departments that do not have a unit logo may use the official ASU logo on stationery and may list the unit name in separate typography.
To create an account on ASU Print Online, visit ASU Print Online. After signing in with your ASURITE credentials for the first time, the Print and Imaging Lab team will set up your account and notify you via email when your account is ready.
Digital letterhead
The Print and Imaging Lab also offers an electronic letterhead template on ASU Print Online which allows you to customize your letterhead and will email you a Microsoft Word document to edit. After you’ve added your own body copy, you may save your letter as a PDF document to share with others.
Please note that electronic letterhead is not a replacement for official printed ASU letterhead. All academic and administrative units should use the official printed ASU letterhead and envelopes for printing purposes. You may order these and other official items through ASU Print Online.
Executive foil stationery
A select group of the university's top executives may opt for gold foil stationery. These executives include:
- University president
- University provost
- Executive vice president, treasurer and chief financial officer
- Senior vice president and university planner
- Senior vice president and secretary of the university
- Senior vice president and chief of staff
- Senior vice president and general counsel
- Senior vice president, Educational Outreach and Student Services
- Vice president of student services, Educational Outreach and Student Services
- Senior vice president and chief marketing officer
- Vice president, Media Relations and Strategic Communications
- Chief executive officer, ASU Enterprise Partners
- Vice president of cultural affairs, executive director of ASU Gammage
- Vice president of government affairs
- Vice president and chief human resources officer
- Executive vice president and chief research and innovation officer
- Senior vice president for strategy
- Vice president for enterprise planning
Business cards
Double-sided business cards
The Print and Imaging Lab offers double-sided printing for the same price as single-sided printing so units can share additional information about their units and programs. Templates for the backs of business cards are available through the online ordering system. Users can customize within the parameters shown, including mission statements and appointment information.
Examples of business card backs may include a foreign translation, a unit's mission statement, an employee who represents two different units or has multiple titles, and the promotion of sustainability efforts.
Student business cards
Students cannot have business cards with the ASU logo unless they are employed by the university and ASU pays for the cards.
ASU has approved designs for versions of the business cards for student purchase that can be ordered here.
Metal nametags
The Print and Imaging Lab features easy-to-order nametags on ASU Print Online. These nametags feature a strong magnetic backing that does not damage clothing (unlike normal pin backing) and come in three sizes (3” x 1”, 3” x 1.5” and 3” x 2”).
Simply select your logo, enter your name and place your order. It’s a snap to place a nametag order on ASU Print Online, where you can upload a list of names and order as many nametags as you need.
Sustainability at the Lab
The Print and Imaging Lab is committed to giving back to the environment. It has partnered with PrintReleaf, a certification software solution that automates replenishing the global forestry system to support this goal. PrintReleaf allows the lab to calculate the environmental impact of each print job they produce and automatically fund and initiate the process of replanting those trees across various sustainable forest initiatives.
ASU Print and Imaging Lab