Names and communications
ASU allows recognized student organizations limited rights to use the logos and trademarks. For details about which spirit marks are available for student organization use, visit the Spirit marks webpage.
Registered student organizations may also use the geographical designations at Arizona State University or at ASU at the end of their organization names. No student organizations may use Arizona State University, ASU or Arizona State before their organization name as this may imply an official endorsement by or relationship with ASU. Sports clubs with an NCAA equivalent must have “club” in their name.
For more information about nonathletic student clubs, please consult the Student Organization Handbook. Student sport clubs, please review the Sun Devil Sport Club website.
Registered student organizations may use Sparky and the hand fork on merchandise with conditions. Student organizations may not use any other ASU trademark or logo unless authorized in writing by the Trademark Licensing office.
- ASU Print and Imaging Lab
- Anton Sport
- BC Graphics
- College Thread, Greek house
- University Tees
- X-treme Apparel
The licensed provider will submit the student organization's product design to the Trademark Licensing office for approval before manufacturing. Please allow time for this approval process. To order merchandise using any University marks, your club must be registered with EOSS ( Please reference your student club handbook, pp. 20-22, for guidelines.
University logos and trademarks must be used precisely as depicted on the registrations with the United States Trademark Office and may not be redrawn or modified in any way. Please consult the Brand and Marketing Guide webpage for guidelines on the use of marks.
Educational Outreach and Student Services
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