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Integrated Search Web Directory

Integrated Search and Web Directory (web directory) is the ASU directory. It was created by Enterprise Technology to provide a consistent look and feel across ASU webpages, with profile areas to host bios, videos and images. To more effectively promote the excellence of the ASU faculty, President Michael M. Crow requested that a set of guidelines be created with a focus on the end user. 

The Office of the Provost and the university president set the standards for displaying all academic personnel directory information for asu.edu. There are no exceptions. The standards include rank, order and categorization. These standards are incorporated into the Webspark 2 and Unity Design System directory components and may not be customized — it is required that these modules are used to display directory information on asu.edu. If you have a non-Webspark 2 website, you can use the Unity Design System web directory component to display faculty rank listing in your platform of choice. There are also Web standards for academic unit directories. Units can work with faculty to ensure the information is accurate, but control and layout of profile pages reside at unit and university levels.

If you have questions about these standards, please contact the head of your academic unit. 

Note: Academic personnel includes faculty, academic professionals, fixed-term faculty and academic professionals (ACD 505-02).

Profile instructions and best practices

The ASU web directory profiles provide snapshots of faculty and staff members. They create a first impression for the public about ASU's faculty and staff. 

What to keep in mind as you write

Please keep the ASU style and brand standards in mind as you complete your profile. Advice for writing, including AP style guidelines, can be found in the ASU writing style guide. Keep your profile  clean and easy to read. 

How to build a faculty profile in the ASU web directory  

  1. Go to https://search.asu.edu.
  2. To edit or create your iSearch profile, click Sign In at the top right.
  3. Click Edit my profile.

    ASU Search example

  4. Click Edit. You should now see the available tabs appear in a menu bar:
    Edit available example
  5. Add your information in the appropriate tabs:
    Photo, displayed name, location, email and social media links. 
    Affiliations**: Check to make sure that your titles are correct within each listed affiliation. 
    Biography: Long bio, short bio of 225 characters or less, education, CV, images, videos and audio files.. .
    Research: Research links, interests, group, activity and publications. 
    Teaching: Website link and presentations. 
    Public Work: Honors and awards, editorships, professional associations, graduate faculties and mentoring history, work history and service. 
    Industry Experience: Consulting, board, industry positions, pro bono, executive education courses. 
    Expertise Areas: Choose 10 areas or less.
  6. Click the oval maroon Save button at the bottom of each tab to save your additions.

An example of a completed profile.
full profile example
*Academic titles are listed in the order they appear in ACD 505-02 and are not meant to imply rank. Units may apply their own ranking criteria when sorting these titles by rank.

**Titles are assigned automatically by ASU systems. If your title needs to be edited or updated, or you need to be added to a different academic unit, contact your directory administrator, called a “department admin.” Your own department admins are listed in your profile to the right of each affiliation in the Affiliations tab.   

Best practices for your profile information


  • Photo: Use your ASU, high resolution photo which can be taken by an ASU photographer. The photo should be between 150 pixels by 150 pixels and no larger than 800 pixels by 800 pixels. An “excessive file size” may result in a failure to upload. 
  • For faculty members, we ask that all web directory portraits be taken by the university photographer. If you need a photo of yourself, the Brand team offers walk-in portrait hours according to the photography office hours calendar. Portraits are available to all faculty and staff on the fourth floor of Centerpoint at any of the times shown without making an appointment. The photo shouldn’t take more than 510 minutes and portraits are received within five business days. 

    After uploading your photo, resize it as illustrated below and be sure to click on the Save button at the bottom to save your edits.
    Image cropping
  • Email, phone and location: You may edit your email, phone and location by clicking on the links leading  to your My ASU web pages where you can make edits.
  • Social media links: You may insert links to your professional social media and website. The links are represented by maroon icons and rendered under your profile photo. Please be sure to refer to the ASU Social Media practices.
    Social prompt example



  • Long Bio:
    • Make your bio easy to read.
    • Write at least 300-words in third person.
    • Do not use Dr., unless you have an MD. Alternatives to Dr.: your title, such as instructor, faculty associate, professor or Mr. or Ms.if you do not have a PhD. 
    • After the first use of your full name, only use your last name and not your first.
  • Short Bio: Write no more than 225 characters limit in third person. Use your last name only in this content, as per AP style and ASU guidelines. 

Staff member example:

Bio example

  • Education: Use your most recent degree first: PhD. Planetary Archeology. ASU. 2023.
  • CV: Upload the most current version.
  • Images, video and audio: Upload media that supports your professional work

Please be sure to refer to the ASU writing style guide for assistance with language documenting your achievements.


This area allows a reader to understand your interests and some specifics related to your field or fields of work, including publications and grant activity

  • Research Website.
  • Google Scholar.
  • Research Interests.
  • Research Group.
  • Publications.
  • Research.
  • Research Activity.


  • Teaching Website URL.
  • Presentations.

Public Work

These areas signal the depth of your involvement in your communities. 

  • Honors and Awards.
  • Editorships.
  • Professional Associations.
  • Graduate Faculties and Mentoring History.
  • Work History.
  • Service.

Industry Experience 

Give readers an understanding of the breadth of your experience and how you might interface with the work that they are doing. 

  • Consulting.
  • Board.
  • Industry Positions.
  • Pro Bono.
  • Executive Education Courses.

Expertise Areas

We recommend a maximum of 10 pre-defined Expertise Areas. If expertise areas are missing, please contact provostcomm@asu.edu and CC Margaret.Coulombe@asu.edu. Adding new expertise areas requires approval by the Office of the Provost.


Affiliations are pre-populated by ASU systems. Department Admins add directory profiles to departments. People who have multiple affiliations will have a primary affiliation, shown at the top of their profile. To reorder, show, hide or edit the titles of any affiliation, contact a directory admin for that affiliation. Look for a list of your department admins to the right of each affiliation in the Affiliations tab. 

Multiple affiliations can be confusing for visitors and it is best to simplify. For example, if your title is director for the Center of the Imagined Universe, make sure that you are not also listed as director under the College of Universal Futures, but as professor and center director, to ensure clarity.

Affiliations example

Need help? 

Here’s how a Directory Admin can help you: