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Employee portraits (headshots)

Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management makes portraits* for employees during weekly open studio hours throughout the year. These photos may be used for LinkedIn profiles, news stories or the ASU web directory.

ASU photo office hours

*Previously, these sessions and types of photos were referred to as headshots. We are moving away from this language and in a more positive and uplifting direction.

There is power in language — “What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create” — this initiative ties back to the Arizona State University list of 25 actions to support and the power of positivity, the need for change. Pollution is not just in the air — it is what you hear in music and in speech. We can and will do better. 

Instead of Use
Photoshoot session, assignment, coverage, opportunity, event, promotion, photo op
Shoot capture, film, photograph
Headshot portrait
Shot visuals


Employee portraits

Employees may visit Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management at Centerpoint to have their portrait taken. We make our best effort to offer portrait sessions during two weekly time blocks. Studio photography office hours are posted at the ASU photo office hours calendar. Appointments are not necessary, portraits are taken on a first come, first served basis.

Employee portraits can be taken with a white or gray background, or one on each, with studio lighting. Please wear business attire; neutral colors are best — avoiding stripes or patterns. Black and other dark colors work well too. The photo process will take approximately 5–10 minutes and you will receive your portraits via email in about five business days.

posing for a photo session

posing for a portrait


Leadership portraits

Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management makes portraits for executive team members who are listed on the Leadership page on the About site. These photos are taken during scheduled photo session appointments. Schedule an appointment.

For environmental portrait insights, please see the “Recipe for ASU executive portraits”.

Employee headshot

Employee headshot

Employee headshot

Employee headshot


Make your own

If you are an employee and unable to attend an open photo studio session at the Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management office, you can make your own! Please see The Academy: Best practices for making your own portrait (headshot) on how to. 

Portrait tips

Options for editing images