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Design services (Print Lab Design Studio)

The Print Lab Design Studio is an integrated part of the Print Lab and Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management. It provides design services with proficient knowledge of the ASU brand. Whether it is a large scale signage project or a simple one-page design, the Print Lab Design Studio can help with your unit design needs.

To have your project quoted, simply email the Print Lab or fill out their quote form. Please provide as much information as you can regarding the scope of the project such as:

  • Size of the design
  • How many pages?
  • Text-based or design (infographic) based?
  • Deadline (is this event driven?)
  • Do you have any assets already created that you would like us to incorporate?

From there, the Print Lab team will prepare an estimate or schedule a brief meeting via Zoom or over phone to further discuss the project. 

Turnaround times and expectations are very important. They will vary greatly depending on the project and the Print Lab will provide their best estimated time frame when they provide the final estimate for approval. The Print Lab strives to meet urgent requests and deadlines whenever possible.

Request a design quote