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Brand execution guidelines

Directional event signage

Temporary event signs

A-frames are to be used for special events only. They may not be used for marketing or general communications. If you have a special event and need a temporary event A-frame, please follow these steps:

  • A-frame insert - ASU community members may place orders for temporary event signs through ASU Print Online and use an on-brand, pre-approved design template. The template complies with Associated Press formatting and ASU’s font and brand style. On the A-frame insert, the ASU Print and Imaging Lab will print the order number for reference.  
  • A-frame hardware rental or purchase - ASU community members may purchase or rent the approved Plasticade Signicade Deluxe. The A-frame will have an identification marker to show it was purchased or rented through the Print and Imaging Lab. The Print and Imaging Lab is responsible for replacing damaged A-frames and cleaning them before each rental.

Design and Usage

  • There are two options available for the A-frame inserts:
    • Cardstock (single day event) 
    • Coroplast (multi-day event)
  • Arrows must be printed on the sign inserts. Repositionable arrows are not permitted under any circumstance.
  • Covering up old information is not permitted.
  • A-frame may not be used indoors.
  • All temporary event signage must be removed immediately after the event. If your event spans across multiple days, the A-frame must be stored nightly.

ASU Facilities Development and Management at each campus will remove signage that does not conform to this new policy.

  • As a first step, they will try to identify the sign owner and request the sign be removed.
  • If the owner cannot be identified, they will remove the sign and hold it for 10 days. 
  • If the sign remains unclaimed after 10 days, the sign will be recycled, repurposed or sent to ASU Surplus Property.
  • If you notice that a sign is missing, contact Facilities Development and Management to see if they have it and arrange to have it returned to you.

Order a-frame inserts     Order a-frame hardware



Generic event signage for A-frames

For sustainability and cost-effectiveness, certain exceptions may be granted for the use of generic event signage. If a unit has a recurring event that takes place more than 50 times in a fiscal year, they may submit a request to be considered for an exception. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine whether generic signage should be granted for that event. Before submitting your request, please review the generic signage requirements below:

  • The event must take place more than 50 times in a fiscal year.
  • A statement will be printed on the bottom of each sign insert, stating that it has been approved for use as generic signage.
  • Generic signage only needs to be approved once, but all sign inserts must be replaced and reordered from the Print and Imaging Lab at the beginning of each fiscal year.
    • If the sign insert is damaged or in poor condition, units may be asked to reprint the sign at any time before the new fiscal year.
    • While generic signage only needs to be approved once, there is no guaranteed length at which it is approved for posting. The university may ask units to remove the generic signage at any time after it has been approved.
  • Repositionable arrows are not permitted. Arrows must be printed on the sign inserts.
  • If the information has become out-of-date or is incorrect, new signs must be purchased. Covering up old information is not permitted.

If you agree to these conditions and wish to submit for an exception, please fill out this form.

You will receive an email back stating whether your request has been approved or denied. This approval may take up to 10 business days. If approved, the Print and Imaging Lab will be notified as well so they can process your request. All signs must be printed through the Print and Imaging Lab.

Generic event signage request