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Brand execution guidelines

Digital signage (Poppulo)

ASU utilizes the Poppulo Interactive software platform for all digital signage. This includes both wayfinding and marketing displays. These digital signs are TV displays located inside buildings across ASU campuses and used to communicate ASU messaging.


Digital screen


For content that is being programmed to digital signs that are connected to the content management system, the following guidelines should be followed:

Utilize the supported file types:

  • Documents — .ppt, .pptx, .doc, .xls, .pdf
  • Image — .png, .jpg, .gif, .tiff
  • Video — .mp4
  • Webpage

Recommended content sizes:

  • Horizontal 2 region templates
    • Left region — 1080 x 810 (4:3 aspect ratio)
    • Right region — 680 x 810 (4:3 aspect ratio)
  • Horizontal 1 region templates
    • Large region — 1421 x 800 (16:9 aspect ratio)
  • Vertical 2 region templates
    • Top region — 980 x 735 (4:3 aspect ratio)
    • Bottom region — 980 x 735 (4:3 aspect ratio)

Content guidelines:

  • All graphic and video content should follow brand standards and be in good taste. Items should be reviewed by your unit prior to posting to ensure they meet brand standards.


University content feed

Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management manages a university content feed that is scheduled to all digital signs and plays periodically throughout the day. This occurs twice per hour on every screen (at 15 and 45 minutes past the hour).

Utilize the supported file types:

  • Image — .png, .jpg, .gif, .tiff
  • Video — .mp4

Content size:

  • 1920x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio)

To request your content be played on the university content feed, please complete the Digital Signage Content Request Form

Please note: All content requests require five (5) days advance notice and will be reviewed and approved based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance of message to enterprise audience*
  • Quality of graphic or video
  • Available space on content feed

*External partner requests for messaging inclusion should be reviewed to ensure messaging is educational in nature — not marketing or advertising products and services.


Adding new digital signs

All new digital signs must be connected to Poppulo in order to support necessary emergency notification access for buildingwide or campuswide announcements. Failure to have your device connected to the university Poppulo system may result in the removal of your device. 

To request a new digital sign for your building, please email