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Brand execution guidelines


Chalking on ASU campuses or property may only be applied in certain locations (described below) and only after receiving approval from the university.


Chalking Example 1     Chalking Example 2


The first step is securing creative approval from Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management. That request should be submitted to the signage design and placement form

If approved by Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management, the unit will need to submit a request to Facilities Management. That can be done by filling out the Service Request form and selecting Maintenance Request from the menu. In the Action Requested field, please make sure you add the following:

  • Attn: Grounds team.
  • Project: Chalking application review.
  • Chalking Installation dates: unit to list days the chalk should remain up.
  • Location: unit to list location they would like to apply chalk designs.

The Facilities Management grounds team will review the request and let the unit know if the requested location is approved. Units may not proceed until they have received approval from Facilities Management on their request. 

Before submitting a request, please ensure the following guidelines and restrictions have been reviewed.

  • Users are responsible for any cost associated with chalking application and removal. 
  • The act of applying chalk may not block sidewalks or walkways.
  • An organization or unit may be contacted to wash down a chalked message if it is applied in an improper area or if it lasts for more than two weeks.
  • Chalking on campus is permitted only on designated concrete-paved sidewalks as directed by Facilities Management.
    • Approved locationsChalking may only be displayed in open areas and applied on concrete surfaces (no exposed aggregate, brick or cobblestone) that can be directly cleaned by rain. Do not chalk under awnings, bridges, tents or structures that have roofs or covers.
    • Prohibited locationsChalking is prohibited on all vertical surfaces, stairs or steps, buildings, brick surfaces, walls, planters, doors, trash receptacles, steps, fountains, benches, tables, signs, poles, columns, bus stops, light posts and trees.
  • Messaging:
    • A chalked message is to promote an event or activity and shall represent dates, times and locations for that activity including the name of the sponsoring ASU entity.
    • Messages that are political or controversial in nature or messages that are personal in nature will not be allowed.
    • Messages promoting hate speech or criminal behavior under federal, state or local laws will not be allowed.
    • Only ASU entities may chalk messages on ASU’s campus.
  • Chalk material:
    • The material used to mark a sidewalk must be water-soluble chalk (powder-based chalk sticks). The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, sprayable chalk or other products in aerosol containers is prohibited.
    • Chalking must be done with a water-soluble powder substance in open, horizontal areas that can be directly washed by rain.