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Tools, training and resources to build an website

The website experience is important. To keep up with the latest web standards, learn about development advances, and participate in the ASU Web Community, there are several resources for communication, training and support.

ASU Slack Web community

Join ASU Slack Web Community for updates, questions and monthly community meetings. Regular updates and release information are posted in Slack. Additional support and help resources in Slack include community Q&A. 

Community meetings

Attend the regular ASU Web Community meetings and find out about opportunities for pilots, new release candidates, feature launches, web standards and more. 


There is a suite of training available in Career Edge for Drupal 9. Current options include Essentials covering Introductions, Administration, Taxonomy and more. 

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Introduction and Administration

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Content and Fields

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Taxonomy, Media, and Modules

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Users and Themes

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Layout

Drupal 9 Essential Training: Finishing the Design


For more in-depth training options available now, visit


Need help? Assistance is available for ASU affiliates working with Drupal Webspark sites through ASU Web Consulting Services.