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SEO community

The Web Standards 2.0 SEO community of excellence for meets quarterly to receive updates and share ideas. Find meeting details on the Marketing Academy calendar.


FY24 presentations


April 2024

  • Anatomy of a SERP (with definitions and examples!)
  • Update profile and map entries — your presence on Google
  • Updates on Google and AI

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January 2024

  • Using AI to scale content creation 
  • Going back to basics for good SEO

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October 2023

  • SEO Keyword Refresher
  • SEO Meta Titles
  • SEO Marketing Strategy
  • Live Demo

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August 2023

  • SEO Data Refresher
  • SEO Strategy Meets Goals
  • Enter Google Analytics
  • Live Demo

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 FY23 presentations


June 2023

  • Branded vs. non-branded keywords
  • Keyword strategy vs. SEO strategy
  • ASU Online optimization process
  • What you can do

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April 2023

  • What is schema?
  • Why use schema?
  • Schema in action
  • Schema and ASU
  • Questions

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February 2023

  • Omnichannel Marketing
  • Data Informed Approach
  • SEO & Content
  • Content for SEO
  • Content Generation - Use Case

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December 2022

  • SEO Data Refresher
  • Google Search Console
  • UTM Parameters
  • YouTube Search
  • Questions

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October 2022

  • Google’s helpful content update
  • Applying for graduation content
  • Indexing review: W. P. Carey Career Services Center
  • Q&A

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 August 2022

  • New standard for minimum text on a page
  • Writing for optimal user experience
  • Tips for writing web content
  • Beyond technical SEO (e.g. page speed, structured markup)
  • Website content organization
  • Reviewing and editing existing content

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FY22 presentations

April 2022

  • Creating SEO friendly pages without duplicating content (with MLFTC)
  • What tool to use when? What’s the difference?
  • Answers to questions you've asked in Slack
  • Content decision tree for
  • Site definitions and purposes
  • Meeting cadence change and new Google Marketing Platform meetings

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March 2022

  • Initial data outcomes: W. P. Carey’s rethink of their approach to undergraduate degree information
  • Where to start with SEO if you short on time or people resources (or both)

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February 2022

  • Addressing duplicate content and content authority on to improve user experience

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January 2022

  • The state of SEO for 2022, including the tips and changes the ASU community should be most aware of

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September 2021

  • New standards for content authority across
  • Search ranking/priority — internal and external
  • Addressing duplicate content
  • How to: Canonical tags
  • Which duplicate content solution do I use for…
  • “But I don’t want users to leave my site”
  • Questions and requests

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August 2021

  • Page URLs
  • Canonical tags
  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Heading tags
  • Images
  • Link anchor text
  • Sitemap
  • Robots.txt
  • Questions and requests

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FY21 community meetings

  • What are site maps?
  • Creating and maintaining sitemaps
  • Sitemaps versus robots.txt
  • Review monthly performance data for
  • Questions and requests

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  • Google Search Console training.
    • What is Google Search Console?
    • Who needs access?
    • A 101-level introduction and walkthrough of GSC.
    • When to use GA versus GSC for your data needs.
    • What to do with the GSC notifications and alerts that pop up in your account including a live walkthrough demo of an ASU unit’s account.
  • Review monthly performance data for
  • Questions and requests

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  • Keyword research
    • Introduction
    • Tools and methods
    • Onsite optimization
    • User and content insights
  • Review monthly performance data for
  • Questions and requests

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  • Newly established SEO KPIs for
  • Google Data Studio workshop for your subdomain(s)
  • Review monthly performance data for
  • Review monthly search performance data for
  • Question

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  • New SEO Governance Board
  • Goals of this community
  • Brand Guide SEO launch
  • Review monthly search performance data for
  • Access set up for Jan. 2021 dashboard (Google Data Studio) workshop
  • Questions 

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